Transport Logistics: There is Potential in Data Graveyards

No Data – No Gains in Knowledge

Transport logistics: a crucial area of every business and critical to success. If this aspect is not working as best it can, then either production or supply performance are at risk – at worst, both. What makes this more difficult is that transport logistics represents a really complex subject, affected by many factors.

Transport logistics is an important cost factor in many industries and trade. Depending on the sector, up to 25% of turnover is fed into goods transport. Therefore, it is important to keep a grasp on costs and reduce them if possible. The Federal Logistics Union obtained some astonishing results in a study: fewer than half of businesses surveyed know their exact transport costs.1 Why is that? Put simply, data. To be more precise, the lack of data. There is often no data or information which the transport logistics can learn from– that is, in planning, carrying out and contracting shipments in and out.

This lack of data has two simultaneous negative effects; on the one hand, there is no data for setting important KPIs, e.g. for optimising direct transport costs and qualitative factors. Secondly, another important source of information needed for other areas of the business is only available to a limited extent – for example, for quoting and product costing analysis of products or orders.

Logistics – Data – Costs: It is now time for action.

Download our full white paper today and discover how digitalisation can help your business using new processes and solutions.

Download the full white paper today!

There is a lot to do! Digitalisation is often still in its infancy in transport logistics. So, should we just carry on as we always have because it works? This can’t be the answer as digitalisation is forging ahead, and with it, the requirements of businesses. Download the white paper today and discover the new processes and solutions you can use to take advantage of digitalisation in your business.

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"The consequences are clear: those who let digitalisation pass them by endanger their chances of growth."

Why do I need to take action?

There is a lot to do! Digitalisation is often still in its infancy in transport logistics. So, should we just carry on as we always have because it works? This can’t be the answer as digitalisation is forging ahead, and with it, the requirements of businesses.

The consequences are clear: those who let digitalisation pass them by endanger their chances of growth. However, it is not at all hard to leverage new potentials – you just need a consistent view of the processes in your business and an openness to new solutions and processes.

Download the full white paper today and begin exploring how you can leverage digitalisation to improve your processes for transport logistics.

What’s in it for my business?

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