How to Prepare for Strong Customer Authentication

Explore what SCA is, what you need to know and how you can prepare

Strong Customer Authentication is scheduled to come into effect on 14th September 2019*

If you are a retailer, and you take payments online, either through your own website and/or through a third party website, you will be affected by Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) which is currently scheduled to come into effect on 14th September 2019*. If you do nothing, you may well lose a proportion of your online sales. If you plan effectively, and your competitors don’t, you could see your sales increase.

Our preparation guide includes the following:

  • SCA Summary
  • What is Changing
  • SCA requirements for all electronic transactions
  • How you can optimise your business

Our preparation guide provides you with a detailed overview of exactly what SCA is, the various key elements of Strong Customer Authentication and most importantly, how this is going to effect retailers and what you can do to prepare.

Download our essential preparation guide now to explore the key areas you need to be aware of, so you can start making the necessary arrangements now.

* On 26th June 2019, the European Banking Authority issued an update which stated that on an exceptional basis, they may allow additional limited time to comply. However, at the time of publication of this document, the details are not clear.

Download our Essential Strong Customer Authentication Preparation Guide

Make sure your business is prepared for SCA before it comes into effect in September 2019. Download our preparation guide now.

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Introduction to Expense Reduction Retail Solutions

ERA Group provide a wide range of industry solutions to help and support our clients in achieving their goals. Here, Keith McGregor explains some of the ways Expense Reduction Retail Solutions can help your business, including some of the common challenges faced within the retail industry. To learn more, visit our Retail Solutions area and explore the range of insights available. Explore our Retail Solutions.

To learn more about SCA and how ERA Group can help your business, contact us today. We can provide more detail, offering information about how we work and the range of Retail Solutions we have available.

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